Marc Hermes


I’m originally from Luxembourg, but I completed my undergraduate studies in Germany, where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a Master’s in Mathematics. During my Master’s program, I explored a variety of fields, including Machine Learning, Probability Theory, Topology, and Logic, before focusing my thesis within an intersection with computer science, on computer-assisted theorem proving.

Currently, I’m seeking opportunities in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning. If you have any leads or suggestions in these areas, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m excited to explore these dynamic and rapidly evolving fields, and apply them to real world problems.

I’m also still interested in topics spanning mechanized mathematics, paraconsistent logics, the incompleteness theorems and combinations of these themes; So you can expect to find some blog post about them here and there.

Selected Publications

  1. Modular Verification of Intrusive List and Tree Data Structures in Separation Logic
    Marc Hermes, and Robbert Krebbers
    International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving, Sep 2024
  2. An Analysis of Tennenbaum’s Theorem in Constructive Type Theory
    Marc Hermes, and Dominik Kirst
    Logical Methods in Computer Science, Mar 2024
  3. Synthetic Undecidability and Incompleteness of First-Order Axiom Systems in Coq
    Dominik Kirst, and Marc Hermes
    Journal of Automated Reasoning, Mar 2023


May 22, 2024 Our ITP 2024 paper is now publicly available here.
May 22, 2024 Our paper “Modular Verification of Intrusive List and Tree Data Structures in Separation Logic “ got accepted to ITP 2024!
Jun 26, 2023 Going to attend the this year’s OPLSS in Eugene. Very much looking forward to it!
May 22, 2023 I will be at the Iris Workshop 2023. It takes place in Saarbrücken, the city in which I completed BA & MA studies!

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